Power Rangers LG: Galactic Military Police Defenders Wiki

Although Chris Donner no longer has the Shadow Ranger powers, following his loss of the Dragonzord, he and Deviot awaken the "grand-daddy" Decepticon of all time- Devistator!

As this progresses, the Power Rangers must take down this monsterous robotic galith as they prevent the Constructicon from destroying Terra Venture. Captain Mutiny's Titanisaur beast teams up with Devistator.

Shoot Date(s)[]

  • February 25, 2011 (first half)
  • February 26, 2011 (second half)

Cast of Characters[]

Production Trivia[]

  • This segment was involved during pre-production on PRLG:TROT in March 2010.
  • This is the only segment in Power Rangers LG: The Rise of Trakeena to feature any existing stop-motion footage of Devistator along with regular footage of him entirely.
  • Marsh used some story elements from PRLG episode 41- "Raise the Titanisaur while using existing footages from Gingaman episodes 41 and 42, splicing that with some of his Ginga2 footage.
  • This segment is the last one to feature Megazord battles and the last one to use any Gingaman footage.
  • Devistator's concept is from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
  • The last PRLG:TROT film segment to feature Captain Mutiny. Barbarax's last appearence is in the segment "Escape the Dark Galaxy "- the pre-finale of Power Rangers LG: The Rise of Trakeena.
  • Trakeena made a cameo appearence in the segment at the end when, which leads the last of the film to the climatic finale as foreshadowed, she warns the Power Rangers that evil will reign from here to forever.

Devistator Footages[]


Transformers 2 Closer look at Devastator and The Fallen


Devastator Transformation


Forming Devastator Transformers ROTF Interactive Game Legs
